Friday, April 20, 2007

Comfortably Tempo'd

Thursay I slept in late, real late. I spent most of the day working on things around the house. About 4:30 in the afternoon, I decided to go for a nice easy 5 mile run. Temperature was about 65 degrees and the sun was shining. I started running nice and easy. Before I knew it I was home again. Days that runs feel so effortless are a real treasure.

This morning I woke up early, real early. By six o'clock I was out pounding the pavement. I scheduled a 10 mile tempo run for today. I started running comfortably, by mile three I was feeling good. The rest of the tempo run I stayed in the groove. At mile 10 I clicked my my watch for the lap time. I averaged 7:13 per mile. Things are progressing along nicely.

Next Sunday our running club is going to meet and run the half marathon course in Rock Island, IL. I will find what my shape is really like then. Planning on doing the same approach as this week. Ease into the pace and stay just below the discomfort range for the whole race course.

I believe that tempo runs are the best way to get into race shape for any distance from 10k to the marathon. By using a heart rate monitor you can watch your lactate threshold rise as you become fitter. The best way to tell your threshold zone is to find a pace that is just below discomfort. I like my tempo runs to last from 20 minutes to as much as 90 minutes. Your heart rate can vary from 80-92% of your maximum heart rate. Most experts will tell you to run right at 85%. From my own experience, your lactate threshold will rise and fall depending on your fitness.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Important Things I Do Everyday

I believe in routines. I think that they are the building blocks of success. The daily routine that I am about to discuss has worked for me. I hope it will help you as well.

Each morning I begin my day with an hour of meditation. Meditation prepares my mind and body for the events of the day. I have been practicing meditation for approximately a year and a half. I use the Holosync system offered by Bill Harris. I used to be a total a-hole before I started using these CDs. My family has noticed quite a change in my personality. I will continue this for the rest of my life.

On the days when I do not run in the morning I have a good breakfast. Breakfast to me is the best time of the day. I just love to eat oatmeal with fruit and granola. Other days I will have fruit and yogurt or raisin bran with a bagel and honey.

Through out the day I drink plenty of water. I make a conscious effort to drink at least 64oz of water in addition to the sports drinks that I consume before and after my workouts.

Tell my wife and son that I love them. As important as running and exercising is for me, nothing is more important than my family. I am so blessed that my wife always supports me in my running. Every Sunday morning for 10 years Johnna has provided water stops for all of my long runs.

Eat as nutritionally as I can through out the day. It takes a little time and effort to eat right. But boy does it make a difference in the way that I feel. I still cheat a little. I love sweets, cookies are a favorite. I just try to limit the amounts that I eat. Usually a cookies couple per day.

Take time to relax and enjoy life. Something as simple as sitting on the back porch and listening to the birds and animals always makes me feel good. As hectic as life can be I always take a few minutes every day to count my blessings and give thanks for those around me.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Compounding Fatigue

Today I learned another valuable lesson about half marathon training, fatigue, endurance exercise and sports nutrition. This morning I went to the track for my usual Tuesday morning track workout. I had planned to do a 12x400 workout. My first lap was fast and I struggled to only 10 reps of 400m. I then walked a lap and finished with 2x200 at a nice clip.

What was the lesson of this workout? There were three that I now realize. First racing the past weekend had left my legs feeling frisky. Second I was feeling the effects of Sundays 15 miler. Third I neglected to hydrate myself properly.

On the positive side I listened to what my body was telling me. In years past I would have gutted it out and finished all 12 reps. And for the rest of the week suffered lingering fatigue and possibly slipped into over training.

Today I am going to concentrate on hydration, rest and eating nutritiously. Concentrating on fruits and vegetables.

I believe my legs were feeling so fresh was because, I used the foam roller Monday and Tuesday morning. Buy one of these if you can, they work marvelously. I purchased mine at Target for $20 with an instructional DVD.

Further reporting on EAS race recovery is on going. Will post tomorrow about recent findings.


Monday, April 16, 2007

Endurance Sport Nutrition

I slept in Sunday morning. Woke up about 9 am, ate oatmeal with bananas and granola. I feel pretty good this morning. Going to go run about 1pm this afternoon. It is supposed to be sunny and 60 deg. A great afternoon for a 15 miler.

I think that the EAS race revovery helped with my recovery.

I drank about 64oz of water this morning. Had a banana and a waffel with honey for lunch, about 11 am. Before leaving the house I drank a litre bottle of Gatorade. Ready to go run.

Felt a little stiff during the first mile, other wise doing great. Going to consume 16oz of water and a power gel called double latte. Supposed to have 2 times the caffeine and 4 times the sodium. Going to stop at 5 miles and ten miles for water and gels.

Third stop at 12 miles for water and gel. Last leg along Mississippi River bike path. Feeling good for the first mile and then I my legs start to hurt and I feel a bad patch coming on. Next time I think I will try two gels and 16oz of water at the two hour mark.

Today my legs are sore from the race and long run. I am going to rest today. This morning I will use the foam roller to get the kinks out. This afternoon probably stretch and workout side a little.

Tomorrow going to the track to run 12 x 400 with a 200 jog for recovery. The forecast continues to be fantastic for running.
