Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Compounding Fatigue

Today I learned another valuable lesson about half marathon training, fatigue, endurance exercise and sports nutrition. This morning I went to the track for my usual Tuesday morning track workout. I had planned to do a 12x400 workout. My first lap was fast and I struggled to only 10 reps of 400m. I then walked a lap and finished with 2x200 at a nice clip.

What was the lesson of this workout? There were three that I now realize. First racing the past weekend had left my legs feeling frisky. Second I was feeling the effects of Sundays 15 miler. Third I neglected to hydrate myself properly.

On the positive side I listened to what my body was telling me. In years past I would have gutted it out and finished all 12 reps. And for the rest of the week suffered lingering fatigue and possibly slipped into over training.

Today I am going to concentrate on hydration, rest and eating nutritiously. Concentrating on fruits and vegetables.

I believe my legs were feeling so fresh was because, I used the foam roller Monday and Tuesday morning. Buy one of these if you can, they work marvelously. I purchased mine at Target for $20 with an instructional DVD.

Further reporting on EAS race recovery is on going. Will post tomorrow about recent findings.


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